How Did Dickens' A Christmas Carol Help Shape the Christmas We Recognise Today?
How Did Dickens' A Christmas Carol Help Shape the Christmas We Recognise Today? by Georgia Alzapiedi Georgia Alzapiedi graduated with a BA in English Literature from University of Westminster in 2014, and takes interest in the writings and historical contexts of Shakespeare and Victorian authors. However, Georgia’s particular interest is in the Modernist movement and the First World War, and the impact of this period in history. She currently works as an English teacher in a secondary school, teaching GCSE and A-Level English Language and English Literature. In her spare time, Georgia runs a travel blog , where she regularly writes about key historical and cultural attractions worth visiting in the UK. Before the reign of Queen Victoria, Christmas was not as festive as we recognise it to be today. Naturally, the English people observed Christmas - Christ’s Mass - by partaking in mass, but there was little sense of celebration. The midwinter festival - a pagan tradition of...